Our Story
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Hi! My name is Tanya and together with my husband Marco we are the proud owners of LinenCasa! Both my husband and I LOVE linen and we are both originally from Europe where linen has a very strong traditions, so we decided to specialize in stonewashed linen (also known as pre-washed, washed, or laundered linen) since it is hassle free – it can be washed in a regular washing machine, tumble dried, and does not require ironing. We wanted to maintain control of the design of anything we sold, so we looked for manufacturing partners that would partner well with us while ensuring the quality of the result. We began working with one of the largest linen manufacturers in Europe to produce items to our specifications. Everything we produce uses locally grown linen and all our linen fabric is Oeko-Tex® Standard 100 certified.
Why invest in luxury linen instead of cotton?
We are linen evangelists, and there is quite a bit of misconception about what linen is, does, and how it’s cared for. Many people don’t realize the difference between cotton and linen, since the term “linens” is often used referring to generic household sheets, bedding, tablecloths, towels, etc. Historically, these household goods were made of linen produced from the flax plant, but due to changes to manufacturing and industry, they are now made cheaper from cotton and synthetic blends. As a result, people started to forget how wonderful real linen is.
- Linen is more durable than cotton and will serve you a lifetime.
- Linen absorbs better than cotton and won’t feel as damp.
- Linen dries faster than cotton.
- Linen is lint-free, making it perfect to wipe glassware.
- Linen is naturally anti-bacterial. It won’t have that moldy smell like used cotton towels.
What is stonewashed linen?
Stonewashing is a process designed to give a fabric or a merchandise an “aged” or worn-out look and much softer feel.
Mostly known for stonewashed jeans or denim products, for over thirty years big manufactures used to wash merchandise with actual stones or volcanic pumice in expensive large industrial washer machines to create a worn-out look and soften the fabric. But along with “aging” the fabric, stones were hard on equipment itself and washing machines required a lot of maintenance.
During the last ten years new methods were developed that use enzymes (like cellulase)Â to create stonewashing effect. Newer methods produce much softer and pliable finish through the fabric and not just on upper surfaces, and they are much easy on the equipment.
Cellulase enzymes are natural proteins and cellulase method is environmentally friendly compared to pumice stones since it ensures the same or better results with minimum amount of water, waste, time and damage to machines.
Stonewashing linen helps to soften the linen which brings up it’s wonderful absorption properties. In addition it gives linen this distressed and slightly wrinkled look which is very trendy now. Therefore stonewashed linen does not need to be ironed!